A Bright New Future

Travis grew up in a dog-eat-dog life, with a family of addicts. He was introduced to drugs and alcohol at the age of 11, and spent time in and out of jail as a juvenile through his mid 20’s. Drugs had a daily hold of him, and they ran his life.

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Healed by God’s Mercy

“There was something broken in me,” Christina relates of her younger years. Sexually abused as a child and introduced to alcohol in middle school, she was easily charmed into marriage to an older man when she was 21. “He won me over, but he was abusive in every way,” she recalls. “If there was a…

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No Annual Golf Tournament

Dear Golfers, Tournament Sponsors, and Volunteers, Over the years we have been grateful for your generosity in supporting our annual Golf Heritage Classic. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we have decided not to hold our annual tournament for 2022. The health and safety of everyone associated with our day of golf is our number…

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A Steward for God

Grateful and blessed, Gabriel is a “steward for God.” He started working here while he was in the program, battling the drug addiction that began after his divorce.

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Sandi’s Story

“My childhood was very crooked. My dad was very abusive verbally, mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually.” Because of her traumatic childhood, Sandi began using meth. Soon, she was getting a divorce and homeless. She saw no hope for herself.

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Forever Thankful

“I was in denial that I was addicted,” Darrell says of his teen years. “My parents thought I was just being rebellious.” Darrell describes himself as an occasional drug user back then, but he would go on binges. On the occasions when he did stop using drugs, he always went back to them, and his…

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You Helped William Find Purpose

“I felt hopeless,” William says of the nine years he spent homeless. A veteran, he had returned to his hometown of Memphis at 40, addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was fortunate enough never to have slept on the streets, but moving from one friend or family member’s couch to another eventually took its toll…

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