We minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of men, women, and families who are homeless, addicted, and in crisis.

Our Mission

Our ultimate objective is for clients to:

  • Become mature disciples of Jesus Christ
  • Achieve freedom from substance abuse
  • Reunite with family and loved ones
  • Reemerge as self-sufficient members of the community


If you’re like many people in the Memphis metro area, you may know a few things about Memphis Union Mission. You may drive by one of our facilities, and you may have a vague idea that the Mission helps homeless people.

I hope that this website will further your knowledge about Memphis’ oldest and largest rescue mission. More importantly, I hope that you will be motivated to get involved. After all, this ministry could never do what it does for needy Mempians without caring friends like you.

Take a look around, and when you’re ready to make a personal investment in helping the homeless, let us know. And please let us know if you have any suggestions for the site; we want to make it the best that it can be!

Thanks for your time and generosity. God bless you!

Yours in Gratitude,