The project is the largest in Memphis Union Mission’s 75-year history. Your support for this campaign will make a difference in the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our community. You will be making an investment that will leave an impact on lives for many years to come and will make Memphis a better place to live.
Memphis Union Mission’s Legacy of Hope campaign has been split into three separate phases. This will allow the Mission to keep its current facility open during the construction of Phases I and II, and it will allow construction to begin as each phase’s fund-raising goals are met. The current shelter will be razed as a part of Phase III.
PHASE I – $23 million Fundraising – Construction Complete

Phase I is the largest of the three phases and provides key services necessary to operate. These include the guest check-in area, one-half of the circulation area, dressing and shower complex, laundry, clothing closet, walk-in cooler and freezers, kitchen, dining room, shipping and receiving areas, volunteer reception, and parking. Phase I also includes recovery program areas, including a classroom, counseling offices, and lounge area. Phase I provides for a total of 114 beds, matching the current bed capacity of the existing shelter.
Funding for Phase 1 was raised through a capital campaign – called the Legacy of Hope campaign – which was launched in 2015. The Mission’s Board of Directors and staff were the first to contribute toward the campaign. Then a steering committee, which was made up of volunteers, staff, and Board members, solicited gifts and pledges from foundations, corporations, and key individuals.
PHASE II – $13 million Fundraising Underway – Construction Complete

The key components of this phase are a dedicated multi-use auditorium/chapel, with seating for 350+ guests and volunteers, two pastoral offices, and a prayer room. The Opportunity Center’s repair shop and storage are located here, together with a large staging foyer and additional circulation area for guests. Four dorms will increase the Opportunity Center’s capacity by providing an additional 112 beds.
PHASE III – Fundraising Underway

Completion of Phase III will tie in phases one and two and complete the courtyard. Capacity will be increased by an additional four dorms, bringing the total bed capacity of the Opportunity Center to 350+. The supportive services wing will provide for medical, educational, case management, and other important services to assist guests in breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty.