“I was in denial that I was addicted,” Darrell says of his teen years. “My parents thought I was just being rebellious.” Darrell describes himself as an occasional drug user back then, but he would go on binges. On the occasions when he did stop using drugs, he always went back to them, and his addiction followed him into adulthood.
Darrell’s drug use eventually sent him to jail. When he was released, he had nowhere to go. “I came to Memphis Union Mission,” he says. “I went to the church services, and they showed me I needed help.” Darrell joined the program, graduated and moved into the Wright Transitional House before getting a place of his own. “I did well for a while, but I think I left too early. I relapsed. I stopped going to work because I just wanted to get high.”
God was still working in Darrell’s life and inspired him to come back to the Mission for another chance. “I got more out of the program the second time,” Darrell admits. He is back in the Wright Transitional House, but this time, he says he is staying the course. Through the Mission, he received a scholarship to attend Moore Tech College of Technology, and recently graduated from the 2-year HVAC certification program. He looks forward to living on his own again, when he is truly ready.
In the meantime, Darrell stays busy at the Mission, providing maintenance, electrical and plumbing help. He also attends Bible study and is reading The Purpose Driven Life with other men in the program.
“People at the Mission accept me for who I am,” Darrell says gratefully. “They gave me encouragement and inspiration.” Darrell tells us he has built relationships here and has people he can talk with when he is struggling.
“I’m doing well now,” Darrell says. He tells us the key to his sobriety the second time around is: “Pray to God and decide how you want to live. Do you want to be on drugs, or do you want to succeed in life?”
Thank you for helping Darrell and many other men at Memphis Union Mission get back on their feet and succeed!