From Despair to Hope: Darrious’ Journey to Freedom and New Life

Darrious had a serious problem. He was addicted to drinking. Alcohol consumed his life to the point where he was unable to put a roof over his two kids and their mother. He spent his last dollars putting them up at a hotel. A decision was made that the mother and children would stay with her father in California, and he would go home to Memphis and get the help he needed. His mother took him in and put him into rehab.

Darrious went from one rehab to another. Nothing stuck. He would go through the motions and then drink. And on it went. Rehab, drink, rehab, drink. His mother told him he needed to go to Memphis Union Mission and join the 9-month program. That hit Darrious hard. All the other programs were short, and he could easily go in and out and keep on drinking.

The idea of being away so long was too much to bear. The morning he was to begin the program, he decided instead to pick up a gun. He was going to end his life.

As he prepared himself, he heard his phone ring. It was his young son. “Hi Daddy,” the boy said, “I miss you!”

As Darrious talked to his boy he felt a sense of hope. He put the gun down, packed his bags, and waited for his mother to take him to Memphis Union. The first month was tough for him. “All I could think about was drinking,” he admits. “I couldn’t focus on anything.”

As time went on, Darrious began listening to God. Church services, daily prayers, and Bible studies became interesting. Slowly, the thought of drinking trickled its way out of his life. “God freed me from my addiction,” he is proud to say. “I learned that if I trust God, He will help me.” And He is! Darrious is working a good job as he finishes the program. “I am still learning and taking in as much as I can, but I know I want to help people and share what I know.”

From the bottom of Darrious’ heart, he thanks you for your help. “Thank you, thank you! What you do is a blessing. I would not be alive today if it weren’t for Memphis Union Mission and your support.”

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